School Trip To The Zoo

This year the annual school tour took place on Tuesday 4th June. All pupils along with the staff headed off to Dublin Zoo.

The weather was not very kind as it rained all day but nevertheless, this did not dampen the spirits of our pupils.

They were so excited to be traveling on the bus up to our capital city.

As expected there were plenty of animals of all shapes and sizes to be seen. The children were fortunate to see so many of these animals at close range.

Various workshops were organized ranging from Junior and Senior Infants attending the Food From The Farm workshop with First class attending the workshop, Earth Alive. Second Class attended the workshop, Dinosaur Detectives. Third , Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth class attended the highly informative Rainforest Ranger workshop.

The children had a very educational experience at the zoo with everyone back safe and sound shortly after 6 pm.