Celebration of Sacraments

Congratulations to the boys and girls in Sixth class who received the Sacrament of Confirmation in St Mary/s Church, Clontibret on Saturday 7th May. It was such a joyous occasion where all our boys and girls showed great respect and listened attentively having been prepared so well by their teacher Mr Hanratty.

We  hope that all the boys and girls, together with their families, created fond memories of their special day.

Congratulations also goes  to the boys and girls in 2nd class who made their first Holy Communion on Saturday 20th May in All Saints’ church, Doohamlet. The children were very well prepared by their teachers Mrs Duffy and Mrs Murphy. They took charge of the readings, prayers of the faithful and the offertory procession.

This special  mass was celebrated by Fr Gorman.

We thank Fr Gorman for his beautiful mass and for making the children so at ease.

The choir as usual lived up to its high standards providing wonderful music.



The pupils were presented with certificates by Fr Gorman who was  ably assisted by Finlay.


Following the mass there were light refreshments in the Community hall for the pupils, their families and teachers.