The NRG Doohamlet National School Lunchtime Soccer League ran, under Mr Hanratty’s guidance, since our return to school after Easter.It has been highly competitive and all children have participated brilliantly. The Girls’ Final and the Boys’ Final were held on Wednesday 14th June to a full capacity crowd on the back field!
The talent shone just as strong as the sun that afternoon as the two matches were thrilling to watch! Special mention must go to Siún Mc Manus for the highest number of goals scored this season-an amazing 15 goals!
Congratulations, Siún .Special mention must also be made of Caolán Mullen, who was most definitely Man of the Match in the Boys’ Final, with some brilliant tackling and defending-the ball almost seemed attached to the foot!
The winning teams were the Lakers for the girls and the Rockets for the boys.
Well done to everyone who took part in the League.
Congratulations to the worthy winners.